Sex Work – Info & Resources

Moira Mona > Sex Work – Info & Resources

As some of you might know, I’ve done my fair share of activism for sex workers rights. I’m working on as a blog for my activism and to provide people with information about sex work.

Links to different news items and articles can be found here: 

On this page I placed some useful resources for colleagues and those who are interested in sex worker rights.

The best overview of links related to sex work is SW Links. Go check it out here:


Links and Banners to information and other resources about sex work can be found here.

Links en banners naar informatie en andere bronnen over sekswerk zijn hier te vinden.

Dutch Emergency Fund - Noodfonds voor sekswerkers in nood door de pandemie.
Door2Door is het informatie- en dienstencentrum voor sekswerkers die werken of wonen in regio Rotterdam.
stichting sexpower
Advies, coaching en therapie: Chat vrijuit over je seksualiteit.
Het PIC is een stichting en geeft informatie en voorlichting over sekswerk op de Wallen in Amsterdam.
Theme: Elation by Kaira.